Vortex HiFi WOS 1 Water Optimizer Stick

Item Number:



1 Stück


200 mm x 6 mm




Informierung von Wasser


Vortex HiFi

Delivery Time:

1-3 days


49,00 *

(Price quotation / Stück)

The Vortex HiFi WOS 1 Water Optimizer Stick is specially designed to optimize the cell communication of our body by informing drinking water with the innovative Vortex HiFi Oscillation Alignment Technology.

Features of the Vortex HiFi WOS 1
- simple usage
- The glass rod uses the innovative Vortex HiFi Oscillation Alignment Technology

Application of the Vortex HiFi WOS 1

You only need to place the informed glass stick in your water glass to carry out the informing of the water. For the best possible information, the WOS1 should remain in the water for about 10 minutes to achieve the best possible result. But shorter times will also give good results.

How should you use the Vortex HiFi WOS 1 Water Optimizer Stick?

The WOS1 is used in daily life. For an ideal effect, you should inform and drink 3x 0.5 liters of water daily with the stick.
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Video: Erklärung zum Vortex Water Optimizer Stick
Norbert Mauer erklärt die Funktionsweise des Vortex Hifi Water Optimizer Stick

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