Vortex HiFi VN 60 SB Lautsprecherbasis

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4 Stück


Vortex HiFi

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1-3 days

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349,00 *

(Price quotation / Set)

Vortex HiFi VN 45 DB device feet

Our VN60SB Speaker Base Set consists of 4 speaker feet with a 60mm resonating body made of grown maple wood with spike mount. The metal contact plate embedded in a damping mass is freely movable and lies only on one point on a sapphire on which a perfect transition (impedance matching) between the metal plate and the wooden vibrating body is possible. In combination with a resonance-optimized oscillating body made of natural wood and a decoupling of the floor by a 5mm thick special felt, the result is an effective system that allows a perfect vibration of the loudspeaker. A special A.I.O.-informed varnish additionally improves the music perception drastically.

Details and measurement see photos on the Vortex HiFi website: Hier geht es zur Vortex HiFi Website (Gerätefüße)
Test der Vortex HiFi device feet VN 30 DB
Contribution in
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Test der Vortex HiFi device feet VN 30 DB
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