Vortex HiFi Surface Optimizer

Item Number:



1 Sprühflasche


Vortex HiFi

Delivery Time:

1-3 days


99,00 *

(Base Price: € 198.00 / 100 ml)

Effective elimination of static surface charge by Vortex HiFi Surface Optimizer

The sound-damaging effect caused by the static charging of surfaces is an omnipresent problem in the hi-fi sector. But until now there was no means of preventing static charging over a longer period of time.

The surface optimiser of Vortex HiFi eliminates and prevents the static charging of surfaces for a long time. This is particularly suitable for surfaces made of wood, lacquered surfaces or plastic. The Vortex HiFi Surface Optimizer is based on the natural raw material beeswax and was additionally equipped with the new Sigma information.

Features of the Vortex HiFi Surface Optimizer
- Solvent-free
- no silicones
- suitable for numerous materials such as wood, metal, stone, smooth leather, painted surfaces or plastic
- Protection against resoiling and static charge
- Informing the surface with Vortex's new Sigma technology for sound optimization

Application and effect of the Vortex HiFi Surface Optimizer

The Vortex HiFi Surface Optimizer uses the natural active ingredients of beeswax for gentle care and gentle surface cleaning. But much more important is the long-lasting antistatic effect of beeswax and the sound optimising property by informing the liquid with the Vortex HiFi Sigma information. The Sigma information contains the Oscillation Alignment Technology supplemented by the information with earth information plus the Vortex HiFi diamond information.

You can achieve significant sound improvements by treating rack bottoms, connector housings, plastic sheathing of cables, Vortex cap products or even the Vortex HiFi equipment feet and cable trays etc.

Spray sparingly on the surface to be treated and spread it with a clean cloth. After approx. 1 minute soaking time, remove the remains of the liquid from the surface with a clean cloth. Please also read the enclosed product description.
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Video: Erklärung des Vortex HiFi Surface Optimizer
Norbert Maurer erklärt die Funktions- und Wirkungsweise des des Vortex HiFi Surface Optimizer

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    Musik & Akustik – Norbert Maurer
    Wahlscheider Straße 14
    53797 Lohmar
    Tel.: +49 (0) 2206 – 9074 361
    E-Mail: info@musikundakustik.de