Vortex HiFi Pyramid 40 Sigma

Item Number:



1 Pyramide


40 mm




Vortex HiFi

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1-3 days

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260,00 *

(Price quotation / Stück)

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Vortex HiFi Pyramid 40 Sigma

The 40 Vortex HiFi Pyramid in Sigma Standard is made of the semi-precious stone obsidian. The Vortex HiFi Pyramid 40 is made with information in Sigma standard and Bipolar Activation for de-stressing and de-interference. Sigma is the latest expansion stage of Vortex HiFi information. This interference suppression technology, based on the medical principle of information, reduces the biologically disturbing potential vortices. In addition, the latest Sigma Antistress Information of Vortex Sigma Informing significantly reduces the interference of the mains sockets in the listening room with music listening.

The pyramids are ideal for general interference suppression of tweeters, transformers or power supplies.

It is also highly recommended to use the Vortex Sigma pyramid in room corners. The pyramid shape helps to quickly dissolve potential vortices in the corners of the room. Another exceptionally sound-enhancing use of the Vortex Sigma pyramids is under the speaker connections.
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