Vortex HiFi Power Optimizer Light

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Vortex HiFi

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59,00 *

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Vortex HiFi Power Optimizer Light

The Vortex HiFi Power Optimizer Light Plug is a mains filter for Schuko sockets and its mains filter has a bioligically optimized bandwidth (BOB technology).

  • parallel mains filter
  • Biological filter concept
  • BOB technique
  • High-Speed Technology
  • Very wide bandwidth
  • Slew rate 500 V/µsec
  • informed silver solder
  • filter capacity 7µF
  • A.I.O. Interference suppression
  • A.I.O. Stress relief

New -POWER OPTIMIZER with bioligically optimized bandwidth (BOB)

Another power filter in the hi-fi? There are already countless! This will be said by one or the other. But if you ask the question what the ideal current filter for listening to music should look like, it quickly becomes clear that we absolutely had to build these current filters with our technologies.
So why current filters from Vortex HiFi?

The first questions we asked ourselves were Why even power filters in hi-fi? What does a current filter improve at all and what does it have to do with listening to music?

It is a fact that the electricity network in today's homes contains harmonics of the 50 Hz basic frequency as well as interferences from a few thousand hearts to far into the megahertz - range. Especially the frequency range above 20.000Hz is more and more contaminated by switching power supplies (e.g.: energy saving lamps).
It is also a fact that the classic distortion (i.e. interference up to approx. 500 Hz - that is K10!) has no, or no relevant effect on the sound (see experiment AUDIO).
It is also a fact that the disturbances on the mains do not or hardly demonstrably change the audio signal of the devices, since the power supplies have the task of eliminating all mains disturbances by their different components.
Not practically considered in the audio experiment was the range clearly above the usual distortion range with its transients of switching power supplies in the range above 20,000 Hz.
The audio experiment also did not look at the RF that is caught in household wiring.

What we can say with a high degree of certainty, however, is that the interference amplitudes outside the audio range (above 20,000 Hz) and the RF range are hardly capable of making any relevant changes to the audio signal. The testers of AUDIO came to this conclusion in the above mentioned basic experiment.
Environmental medicine shows connections between the hearing system and disturbances on the power supply networks

If one turns one's gaze away from the audio signal, which cannot be influenced in a relevant way, towards influencing people when listening to music, all hearing phenomena can suddenly be explained!

Environmental medicine shows the connection between extremely high harmonics and transients in the range above 4,000 Hz on humans. As the environmental medical studies under the generic term Dirty Power or Dirty Electricity show, not only do many clinical pictures change due to disturbances above 4,000 Hz, but they also explicitly show disturbances of the hearing system in the form of tinnitus. This was also explained by Prof. Dr. Magda Havas at a WHO workshop in Prague. Incidentally, ear noises are also explicitly complained about in the HF range by environmental physicians.

The metrological basis for the examination of Magda Havas is based on so-called GS units. 1 GS - unit are 24 Volt / second, i.e. a rate of rise. This rate of rise with 24 volts/second was chosen so that up to 25 DC units practically no significant disturbances occur on humans, in a zone of 26 to 50 DC units low influences are to be expected and in the range above 50 DC units the rehabilitation of the power supply system with appropriate filters is recommended.

Above you can see the so-called Microsurge Meter from Graham and Statzer. You can see a measurement at a socket to which an energy-saving lamp with your switching power supply is connected. With 203 GS units a value that indicates a strong negative influence on the nervous system and thus also on the hearing system (sound). Because Magda Havas showed that not only ear noises but also confusion and memory loss can occur. However, these brain abilities, disturbed by Dirty Power, are essential for listening to music. Acoustic patterns must be recognized and compared with learned patterns. If this is not successful, the experience becomes unclear and stress is created.

The Microsurge Meter now shows that not only HiFi devices, but especially electrical consumers in the listening room (also from adjacent rooms) have a considerable influence on the hearing system and thus on the differentiated and relaxed music perception.
Interim conclusion:

Current filters can improve the sound considerably, especially if they work in the frequency range that is biologically particularly sensitive - i.e. in the frequency range above 4,000 Hz up to the megahertz range. Filters that only remove the distortion in the mains Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
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Phasing out your hi-fi equipment
Contribution in
HiFi Guide:
Phasing out your hi-fi equipment
Video: Erklärung zu den Vortex HiFi Power Optimizern
Norbert Maurer erklärt die Wirkungsweise der Vortex HiFi Power Optimizer.

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