Vortex HiFi Oscillation Alignment Card 2

5 Sterne von 5 Sterne basierend auf 1 Käuferbewertungen.

Item Number:



1 Stück


85 x 54 mm




Entstörung von WLAN-Router, Smartphone


Vortex HiFi

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In Stock

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100,00 *

(Price quotation / Stück)

High-frequency interference suppression of WLAN and mobile phones with the OACard2

The Vortex HiFi Oscillation Alignment Card2 (OACard2) was specially developed for high frequency interference suppression of WLAN routers and, DECT phones and smartphones. Since these things are not to be imagined from our today's life no more. Therefore Vortex HiFi has developed the effective and at the same time practical Oscillation Alignment Card.

Features of the Vortex HiFi Oscillation Alignment Card2 (OACard2)
1. on the card is the Oscillation Alignment information, which is extremely important for optimizing cell communication in our body.
In addition, the OACard2 contains so-called earth information from 64 chemical elements and information from so-called effective microorganisms (positive bacteria).

Application of the Vortex HiFi Oscillation Alignment Card2 (OACard2)

This card in credit card format is simply placed behind the smartphone, WLAN router, laptop, tablet, etc. to unfold its effect of suppressing RF signals by means of Oscillation Alignment information and information from elements in the earth's crust. Vortex HiFi actively uses the mobile phone or WLAN radiation to distribute the information in their environment. Thus the positive information for our nervous system is distributed on the Oscillation Alignment Card2 directly in their environment (range approx. 20m) in space and helps to relax our nervous system.

Why should you use the Vortex HiFi Oscillation Alignment Card 2
This card offers besides a basic interference suppression of all electronic devices, which exchange data via radio frequencies or generate HF radiation themselves, an additional positive effect for our cell communication by the applied information of elements of the earth's crust.

The AOCard 2 is therefore perfectly suited for interference suppression of devices such as smartphones, DECT telephones, DECT transmitting stations, WLAN routers, televisions, tablets or switching power supplies, etc. Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
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Norbert Maurer zeigt mit dem kinesiologischen Test die Wirkungsweis der Vortex HiFi Oscillation Alignment Card

  • Helmut Pögel |   05.08.2020
  • Lohnenswerter Versuch

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5 Sterne von 5 Sterne basierend auf 1 Käuferbewertungen.

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