Vortex HiFi NF5 RCA GO3 Diamant

Item Number:



2x 1,20 m

Stecker am GO3:



Vortex HiFi

Delivery Time:

In Stock


2.999,00 *

(Price quotation / Stück)

Vortex HiFi NF5 RCA GO3 Diamant

The high-end audio cable Vortex HiFi NF5 RCA GO3 is state of the art without compromises for the power supply of your HiFi stereo and AV components.

The NF5 is uncompromisingly designed for sound. Vibrations are an important criterion. Therefore our cable has a relatively firm surface and is therefore more rigid than our other cables. The diameter is also larger than that of our NF4 reference cable. But the NF5 in combination with our other unique technologies represents the state of the art in music transmission. The NF5 was developed with the latest knowledge about the effect of cables on the human body. Our state of the art product contains 20 gemstones (including diamonds) to refine sensitivity. In addition, our new vital ceramics are used, which in themselves have a considerable influence on stress.

The Vortex HiFi Diamond Standard - extreme clarity, detail and goose bumps!

A system of over 80 gemstones and semi-precious stones, which were put together from the knowledge of the stone medicine, were attached to disturbances of the cable. The perfection was made by a computer calculation of heartbeats (HRV measurement). So we could measure that a minimum stress and a maximum regulation ability of the vegetative nervous system was reached. The result is an airiness and naturalness that surprises testers, musicians and music lovers alike.

The Ultra Fast Ground Optimizer GO3 Ultra Diamond

The NF5 uses our ultra fast Ground Optimizer GO3 in Diamond Standard. Compared to the GO1 it has twice the bandwidth downwards, more than 7 times the speed and is shielded with our Nano Shield screen. At the connector not only the A.I.O. interference suppression technology is used but also the P.I. technology with semi-precious stones. Compared to the GO2 the GO3 standard has additional information. This includes 4 different gemstones (including diamond) and our exclusive Vital ceramic.

Equipment of the Vortex HiFi NF5 RCA GO3 Diamond:
  • Coax cable with 2 signal conductors and a Nano Shield shield independent of the signal conductors and the ground.
  • Very low cable capacitance
  • low-loss low-density dielectric
  • Ultra Speed Ground Optimizer with 51000 V/usec at each connector
  • Vibration damping of the connectors
  • Nano Shield absorber screen over the whole cable
  • Suppressor-informed plugs and cables
  • Unstressed Connectors and Cables
  • P.I. technology for a holistic listening experience.
  • Diamond standard with 20 additional gemstones and vital ceramics
  • exact characteristic impedance of 75 Ohm
  • Perfect impedance matching of the cable to the connector via BNC/Cinch adaption. (See test audiophilonline.de)
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    Wahlscheider Straße 14
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    Tel.: +49 (0) 2206 – 9074 361
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