Vortex HiFi Nano Shield Power Plug

Item Number:



Schuko Abschlussstecker




Vortex HiFi

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In Stock


49,00 *

(Price quotation / Stück)

Vortex HiFi Nano Shield Power Plug

The Vortex HiFi Nano Shield Power plug is a high tech shielding plug with a shielding up to 40 MHz. The shielding material coated with nanoparticles in a vacuum process has completely new, previously unknown properties. A part of the energy is not simply reflected, but absorbed! In addition, there is a 1.6cm high, A.I.O. - informed habedelstein sphere inside. The ball additionally suppresses the open socket by dissolving potential vortices and de-stresses the human being by a second information. A holistic high-tech interference suppression product that is unique worldwide.

These two mechanisms of action of the suppression of electromagnetic fields and the de-stressing information for humans measurably reduce stress and disturbances on the nervous system. The lower graph shows the change of the heart rate variability parameters (HRV - measurement) by closing open current slots in a power strip. HRV Change Power Plugs By closing the power plug, the stress index improved by 29% and the important Power Total Index (quasi the total regulation ability by an incredible 53%! For graphical reasons we have inverted the stress index - i.e. with reversed sign.
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