Vortex HiFi Nano Diamant+ Contact Oil Sigma

Item Number:



2 ml


Vortex HiFi

Delivery Time:

In Stock


49,00 *

(Base Price: € 2,450.00 / 100 ml)

Vortex HiFi Nano Diamond+ Contact Oil

The popular Vortex HiFi Nano Contact Oil is now available in the new Diamant+ information.

The very productive Vortex HiFi Nano Diamond+ Contact Oil has been developed as a high-end contact oil to now also suppress all direct contact points in A/V equipment, on HiFi sockets and power strips etc. by means of the well-known Vortex suppression information, thus ensuring stress-free listening.

The nano-diamonds contained in the oil effectively reduce transition resistances and thus minimise eddy currents which are harmful to sound.

Our own tests with fine-wire fuses have shown that treating the contact surfaces of standard device fuses resulted in an increase in sound of approx. 4 - 5 points on a scale of 1 - 10. This corresponds approximately to the sound gain that is achieved when you replace the standard fuse with an audiophile fine-wire fuse from HiFi-Tuning. If you now treat this HiFi-Tuning fine-wire fuse with Vortex Contact Oil, you will achieve an increase in sound of approx. 8 - 9 points. So you can see, the sound gain is enormous.
Kontaktpflege bei HiFi-Komponenten
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HiFi Guide:
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