Vortex HiFi high frequency interference suppression
Vortex HiFi high frequency interference suppression (Vortex HiFi)
High-frequency radiation (HF) from mobile phone networks, DECT telephones, switching power supplies or WLAN etc. are today among the everyday high-frequency sources of interference for our well-being. Often affected persons do not know that their symptoms such as headaches, ringing in the ears, discomfort etc. are caused by such radiation. You cannot see them.
Therefore the specialist for interference suppression products Mr. Norbert Maurer of Vortex HiFi has taken up this problem and developed new products based on the Vortex HiFi Oscillation Alignment (OA) technology. This new OA technology uses the negative RF radiation for the human organism to actively distribute the positive information of the Oscillation Alignment technology in the immediate environment (approx. 20m). This "trick" makes HF radiation tolerable for our body.
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