Vortex HiFi USB-C Diamant+ Interference suppression cap
The Vortex USB-C Diamant+ interference suppression plugs for open USB-C inputs are an inexpensive and at the same time very effective means of minimising potential eddies on USB-C sockets in cars and mobile phones. The highly effective Diamant+ interference suppression information contained on the plastic plug is transmitted via the USB-B socket to the electrical components inside the device.
The highly effective Diamant+ technology from Vortex HiFi reduces stress when listening to music thanks to the new type of interference suppression information implemented in the Diamant+ caps. The human nervous system is thereby relieved of the interference suppression, which means that you perceive more musical details.
What makes the Vortex HiFi Diamant+ Caps so effective?
All new Diamant plus caps have the well-known Vortex HiFi Diamant information. In addition, the new Diamant+ Caps have the information of positive microorganisms as well as the Basic Geo information of 64 elements of the earth's crust.
- interference suppression filterless due to interference suppression moulding
- Reduces stress when listening through de-stressing information
- Eddy current-free, thanks to the use of non-conductive soft plastic
- No additional antenna effect as with conventional metal end caps
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