Vortex HiFi HDMI Diamant+ Caps

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Entstörstecker für HDMI Buchsen




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Vortex HiFi

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28,00 *

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Vortex HiFi Diamond+ HDMI interference suppression plug

Many home cinema owners have been waiting a long time for this effective tuning tool. After all, open HDMI slots on AV receivers in particular are an incredibly large "leak" in home cinema equipment and therefore offer plenty of room for undesirable signal interference (potential swirls, also known as electro smog) to develop in audio and video processing. Vortex's HDMI Cap not only seals this leak, but also specifically suppresses it by transmitting the diamond+ interference suppression information contained on the plastic plug via the respective HDMI socket to the electrical components inside the device. The resulting information of the internal electrical components takes a certain amount of time, as the Vortex Caps do not have an active field as we know it from the round blanks or pyramids, which actively and purposefully distribute the information in the room.

Vortex HiFi's highly effective Diamond+ technology reduces stress while listening to music by means of the new type of de-stressing information implemented in the Diamond+ Caps. The human nervous system is thus relieved of the interference suppression, resulting in more musical details being perceived.

  • interference suppression without filters due to suppression information
  • Reduces stress during hearing by providing information on stress relief
  • Eddy current-free, due to the use of non-conductive soft plastic
  • no additional antenna effect as with conventional metal end caps
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