Vortex HiFi Anti-Stress Armband

Item Number:



1 Stück


60 mm






Vortex HiFi

Delivery Time:

In Stock


39,90 *

(Price quotation / Stück)

With the Vortex HiFi Anti-Stress Bracelet you can get your body's cell communication going again

Vortex Hi-Fi research proves that stress is a major cause of limited perception.

The Vortex Anti-Stress bracelet with the new Sigma technology shows you an innovative way to achieve an intense music experience by reducing stress.

The rubber wristband contains the information of the innovative Vortex HiFi Oscillation Alignment Technology. This is supplemented by so-called earth information. All together this forms the new Sigma technology of Vortex HiFi. This is information from 64 elements of the earth's crust such as Ca, Na etc. These elements are also found in our red blood cells and thus correspond with the earth information applied. With the help of this complex information, which can be transferred to liquids such as water, wine, whisky etc., you not only increase cell communication but also have a positive influence on the taste of these drinks.
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