T+A Audio Duo Carbon XLR Cable

Item Number:



2x 0,7 m


T+A elektroakustik

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5-7 days

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€ 220,00*

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T+A Audio Duo Carbon XLR Cable - Audio cable for excellent stereo sound

The sonic requirements of a high-quality XLR cable correspond exactly to those of a RCA cable, so the construction of the cable must be very sophisticated and elaborate. The complex construction of the cable geometry of the Audio Duo with different insulators, shields and materials ensures a very low capacitance and frequency-independent transmission behavior.

Technology of T+A Audio Duo Carbon XLR cables
This intricately designed audio cable has been specially developed for professional, balanced connections: OF-CU pure copper strands, triple shielding with copper braiding and aluminium film, foamed and woven PE insulation, anti-static treated outer jacket and high quality die-cast zinc XLR connectors.
This combination of the highest quality materials ensures not only excellent technical data and interference-free transmission, but also outstanding sound characteristics.

Equipment features of the XLR cable:
  1. Impedance of the XLR cable: 110 Ohm
  2. capacity: 47 pF
T+A Audio Quad Carbon XLR Cable
450.00 €*
450.00 € / 1 Stück
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  • Kontakt für Auskünfte zur Produktsicherheit

    T+A elektroakustik GmbH & Co. KG
    Planckstraße 9–11
    32052 Herford
    Tel.: +49 (0) 5221-7676-0
    E-Mail: info@ta-hifi.de