Stetzerizer Microsurge Meter

Item Number:



110V/240V, 50/60 Hz;


10 kHz - 100 kHz


Stetzer Electric Inc.

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5-7 days

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€ 159,90*

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(Price quotation / Stück)

Stetzerizer Microsurge Meter

The Stetzerizer meter provides information on the proportion of the so-called dirty power (electricity) in your power grid. It was developed by Prof. Dr. Martin Graham.

The Stetzerizer Microsurge Meter displays the harmonic load on the mains in GS units (Graham Stetzer units). This corresponds to 1 GS = 24 volts/second. GS units (polluted current) represent the dependence of voltage and frequency. A GS unit is a measure of the energy on electrical lines generated by high-frequency transients and harmonics and is influenced by voltage amplitude and frequency.

Graham and Stetzer consider measurements of less than 25 GS units to be harmless to humans. If the measured value is higher, the use of Vortex HiFi Power Optimizers is recommended to reduce the existing interference load.

The higher the measured value of GS units, the more intensive are the health / functional impairments, as the research work of Dr. Magda Havas shows.

Recommended actions:
Measured value < 25 GS: The use of Vortex HiFi Power Optimizers can be used to further reduce Dirty Power.
Measured value >= 25 GS to 50 GS: The use of Vortex HiFi Power Optimizers is recommended.
Reading > 50 GS: The use of Vortex HiFi Power Optimizers is strongly recommended!

If the measured DC value is too high, filters are installed in the socket at the conspicuous location.

By dirty power we mean interference potentials on the power lines and the resulting influences. If we deal with the problem, which is mainly due to Prof. Dr. Magda Havas and David Stetzer, we have to distinguish two aspects: On the one hand it concerns the technical part of the harmonics on the power grid and on the other hand the biological/sound effects. These result from the effect of the harmonics of the power grid on the human body.

The Microsurge meter is supplied with an American power plug.
You need an adapter! You will receive this from us free of charge.

  • Dr. Martin Graham, Professor Emeritus at UC Berkeley and Dave Stetzer, President of Stetzer Electric in Wisconsin.)
  • Further information about Dirty Power can be found under:
  • [Liste]
  • Beschreibung (Quelle: Dirty Electricity and GS Units):

  • Microsurge Meter Operating Instructions
  • The intellectual property behind the STETZERiZER® Microsurge Meter belongs to the individual who conceived and designed the meter — Professor Martin Graham. The STETZERiZER® Microsurge Meter:
  • [Liste]Works for 60 Hz/120 Volt North American and 50 Hz/240 A.C. Volt European systems.
  • LCD display reads the Volts per second present, which is an approximation for the high frequency energy. High frequencies are the frequencies which are most harmful to equipment, animals, and humans.
  • Is certified by the Government of Kazakhstan as the official means of measuring RF Energy on building wires.
  • Is simple to use — just plug the meter into any standard electrical outlet.
  • Conveniently lists the good, marginal, and undesirable range of meter readings on the back of the Microsurge Meter.

Electrosensitive people have reported sensitivities with readings as low as 27 on the Microsurge meter. However, medium or even low Microsurge Meter readings should not be interpreted as a guarantee that there is no harmful health impact; only a medical expert can determine that. Caution is required. Some harmful health effects of high frequency energy on humans appear to be cumulative, and possibly non-reversible. Science is inconclusive in this area, although the body of empirical evidence available for guidance continues to expand and stabilize.
Technical Information

The STETZERiZER® Microsurge Meter measures the average magnitude of the voltage surge (i.e. the rate of change of the voltage with time) at the electrical socket. One GS Unit is 24 Volts per second. A human having a low impedance to one of the terminals of the outlet (the grounded wire) and a capacitive coupling of 800 picofarads to wiring connected to the other terminal of the outlet (the hot wire) would have a current flowing through them indicated by the STETZERiZER® Microsurge Meter. The capacitance of two parallel metal plates that are one meter by one meter and separated by one centimeter is about 800 picofarads. The capacitance of a human to the hot wires will usually be less than 800 picofarads and the current through the human will be proportionately lower. The current flow through the human will also depend on how the capacitance of the human to the wire is distributed over the human. This is important since it is the current flowing inside the body, and where it is flowing internally, that determines the effect it will have on the human. The frequency band covered by the STETZERiZER® Microsurge Meter is about 10 kHz to 100 kHz. For complete specifications on the STETZERiZER® Microsurge Meter, see U.S. Patent #6,914,435.
Microsurge Meter Design Criteria

Microsurge Meters were specifically designed as a companion to the STETZERiZER® Filters. The meters measure the level of harmful electromagnetic “energy” present, and their primary use is to guide effective filter installation.

Microsurge Meters are low-cost, robust, and easy to use by non-technical people. The meters were designed to measure harmonics and other high frequency “energy” present, which are the frequencies most detrimental to human health. The meters effectively ignore the effects of 60 Hz power and other lower, less harmful frequencies. Specifically, the meter measures the average magnitude of the changing voltage as a function of time (dV/dt), which naturally emphasizes transients and other high frequency phenomena that change rapidly with time. The measurements of dV/dt read by the meter are defined as GS (Graham-Stetzer) units (since no standard term is available). The GS units are a measure of “harmful energy” which is a function of frequency, or more generally, rate of change of voltage or dV/dt.
Using the Microsurge Meter for a Typical Home Installation

Microsurge meters measure the levels of safe, borderline, or dangerous levels of “energy” present. These levels are conveniently shown on the back of the meter for reference. These levels have been developed through research (much of it in Russia and neighboring countries) and confirmed by experience in North America. The levels have been adopted by the Sanitary Stations (Health Departments) of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Starting from points that typically have the highest readings such as the power input panel, computers, and televisions, the meter is used to measure the initial levels of GS energy, and its reduction as filters are added. Once the GS levels are acceptable at one location, the process should be repeated at the next location. After the installation of the filters is complete, a final confirmation of the GS levels should be performed throughout the house.
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PDF-Datei: What are GS units?

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  • Kontakt für Auskünfte zur Produktsicherheit

    Stetzer Electric, Inc.
    520 West Broadway Street
    P.O. Box 25 Blair, WI USA 54616
    Tel.: +1 (608) 989-2571