Stetzerizer Filter + Messgerät
Elektrosmog Filter + Stetzerizer Microsurge Meter
The use of Stetzer filters is an effective and easy to handle technique to reduce the intensity of electrosmog emitted via the house wiring at home, at work or in the office.
But where does this ubiquitous electrosmog in our power grid come from?
In short, it is a waste product of our modern technology with which we surround ourselves every day. No matter if computer, mobile phones, energy saving lamps, WLAN, LED lamps with own switching power supply (probably one of the worst electrosmog centrifuges of our time), your mock wave, the countless plug power supplies, which are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in our sockets often also unused at the current "suck" or our beloved flat screen TV, all these devices emit a more or less strong electromagnetic radiation over the air or the power supply network, which then as unwanted harmonics (so called "unwanted harmonics"). Dirty Electricity) on our power grid.
These electromagnetic fields generated by electricity can have a negative influence on our well-being, as research by Dr. Magda Havas, for example, has shown. This can take the form of headaches, fatigue, depression, testosterone deficiency and many other symptoms.
And this is exactly where the Stetzer filter developed by Dave Stetzer comes in, by filtering out the so-called "dirty electricity" to a large extent from your power grid. You could also say that the use of Stetzer filters "cleans" your power grid, because the electromagnetic fields emitted by the devices connected to your power grid are drastically reduced or even completely eliminated. In short, by using these current filters you create your own small oasis of well-being at home or at work.
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