Silent Wire NF32 Cu RCA audio cable

Item Number:





0,6 m


Silent Wire

Delivery Time:

1-3 days


€ 1.086,00*

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Silent Wire NF-32 Cu Audio cable for audiophile demands

In the NF 32 Cu audio cable, Silent WIRE uses four fluoroplastic hollow cores and a perfect stranding technique combined with silver-plated OF copper. The heavily silver-plated inner conductors of the NF32 Cu make this audio cable an absolute highlight in terms of sound quality.

The Silent Wire NF 32 Cu RCA audio cable is assembled with WBT 0110 Cu RCA plugs or Neutrik XLR plugs.

For a high-end connection between e.g:
CD player, DVD player, receiver, preamplifier, amplifier, power amplifier.

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