Silent Wire AC32 Cu mains cable

Item Number:



Schuko – Kaltgeräte


1,0 m

Stecker (dosenseitig):

Serie 32 Schukostecker

Stecker (Geräteseite):

Serie 32 IEC


Silent Wire

Delivery Time:

1-3 days

Free shipping for DE


€ 920,00*

Price with pre-payment:


(Price quotation / Stück)

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Silent Wire AC32 Cu power cable

The Silent Wire AC32 Cu mains cable is a high-end mains connection cable. The hi-fi power cable is assembled with SERIES 38 connectors. The power cable has solid conductors made of silver-plated OF copper with 5x 1.3 mm² conductor cross-section.

The uncompromising choice of materials for the Silent WIRESilent Wire AC32 Cu power cable in combination with the optimised conductor geometry produce a detailed, balanced sound of the absolute top class.
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  • Kontakt für Auskünfte zur Produktsicherheit

    Silent WIRE GmbH
    Am Kumpenkamp 8
    29320 Hermannsburg
    Tel.: +49 (0) 5052 - 913 588