Silent Mount SM5TX titanium isolation rack mounts

Item Number:





50 mm (D) x 10 mm (H)


bis 50 kg/Set


4 Absorber


Silent Mount

Delivery Time:

3-5 days

Free shipping for DE


€ 899,00*

Price with pre-payment:


(Price quotation / Set)

Silent Mount SM5TX Titan-Absorber für HiFi-Rack-Spikes

These are the same size as the standard steel SM5X isolation devices but they are built from titanium. Can the change of materials make a difference? Absolutely: the titanium Silent Mount SM5TXs are identical in size to the stainless steel version but are considerable lighter. The reduced weight improves energy transfer and produces a better performance.

The titanium SM5TXs are designed to be used with any high performance rack or table.

We use them underneath an Audiophile Star Base rack in our demonstration room and we have also used them with turntable supports where the improvements to sound quality are particularly striking.

All Silent Mounts are supplied with a set of self adhesive thin felt pads. If the rack is sited on anything other than a carpeted floor, the felt pads should be fitted to the base of each Silent Mount. The felt pad has been specifically chosen to minimise any vibration between the Silent Mount and the floor and will ensure that you get the best performance. If the Silent Mount is being used on a carpeted floor the felt pads should not be fitted.

Each Silent Mount SM5TX titanium isolation mount will support up to 50 Kilos in weight.

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