Silent Mount SM-5X Absorber

Item Number:





50 mm (D) x 10 mm (H)


bis 50 kg/Set


4 Absorber


Silent Mount

Delivery Time:

3-5 days

Free shipping for DE


€ 499,00*

Price with pre-payment:


(Price quotation / Set)

Silent Mount SM-5X Spike coasters for racks, speakers and amplifiers

The Silent Mount SM-5X spike base is the basic model with a load capacity of 80kg/absorber. The spike tip may have a maximum angle of 70 degrees.

A felt floor protector and a mounting tool are included as accessories.

There are lots of reasons for using Silent Mount isolation devices. First of all there is the undeniable and obvious improvement in sound quality. We’ve used these beneath floor standing speakers, beneath speaker stands and beneath racks as well. In every case the audible improvements are obvious and consistent.

SM5X stainless steel Silent Mounts have been designed to improve the contact between the spikes fitted to equipment and your floor. No matter how hard your floor is the pressure that the tip of each spike places on it is extremely high. The SM5X silent mount will make it far easier to stabilise your equipment/rack and will improve the high-speed energy transfer.

All Silent Mounts are supplied with a set of self adhesive thin felt pads. If the rack is sited on anything other than a carpeted floor the felt pads should be fitted to the base of each Silent Mount. The felt pad has been specifically chosen to minimise any vibration between the Silent Mount and the floor and will ensure that you get the best performance. If the silent Mount is being used on a carpeted floor the felt pads should not be fitted.

SM5 stainless steel Silent Mounts will support up to 50 Kilos in weight.

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