Quadraspire QC SS Floorprotector Spike-Basen

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60,00 *

(Price quotation / Set)

Quadraspire QC SS set of 4 stainless steel spike bases

- Pierced base, the spike does not touch the ground.
- Defined power transfer,
- avoids unwanted reflections

This set of spikebases is made of stainless steel at Quadraspire and unlike almost all other spikebases on the world market, it is pierced. The spike makes lateral contact and can transfer and dissipate defined energy into the ground. A spike base closed at the bottom, on the other hand, tends to reflect vibrations back into the rack. As almost always with Quadraspire, Alester Kells noticed the difference and since then, ordinary spike bases are no longer available.

By the way, the spikes do not reach the floor and the pierced spike bases are therefore also great floor protectors, but in combination with the Quadraspire spikes, they dissipate energy much better than, say, furniture gliders. The combination with all Quadraspire spikes is possible.
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