Quadraspire bronze upgrade for 32 mm concave columns

Item Number:





SVT (für Rack mit 4 Säulen)



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€ 550,00*

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Quadraspire bronze upgrade for 32 mm concave columns

The Quadraspire Bronze Upgrade for HiFi racks with 32 mm columns consists of four height-adjustable bronze spikes with bronze locknuts and four aluminium screw-in threads with spike mounts. The top level of a 32 mm column rack is effectively decoupled from the rest of the rack. The design of the spikes is even more elaborate than on the smaller models for the 19 mm columns. Especially turntables, CD drives and DA converters gain audibly in definition.

The bronze spikes are tapered in the middle to reduce the amount of material. The bronze is not varnished and will take on patina over the years. On delivery, the bronze parts are painted with linolin. If you like, you can clean your bronze spikes regularly with a metal polishing cloth and re-apply the wool grease.

Music lovers who choose the top level in bamboo will experience a double upgrade. The additional decoupling makes the advantage of the material fully apparent.

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