Primare I25 DAC Stereo Integrated amplifier

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3.780,00 *

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Primare I25 DAC Vollverstärker - Die Verbindung von analoger und digitaler Welt

The I25 DAC complements the Primare I25 with the DM35 digital/analogue converter. The Prisma technology can be retrofitted as a plug-in module at a later date.

PRIMARE's philosophy consists of 3 pillars: timeless perfection in sound, design and workmanship. Primare started in 2010 with its completely self-developed innovative UFPD amplifier technology and was awarded the European EISA Award for it, among others. The new amplifiers received a further development called UFPD2, and the CD players were also upgraded with improved audio technology. The UFPD2 technology puts the sound experience first, and it also has an extremely high efficiency (over 90%, 30-40% is usual), which enables very high performance in comparatively compact housings. As a result, the amplifier hardly warms up even during prolonged operation - this guarantees a very compact design and high long-term stability.

The I25 Prisma is uncompromisingly finished - a solid, protruding metal front houses the OLED display, which is completely shielded from the sensitive electronics, and the aluminium control knobs. The I25 does without any mechanics, all switches and controls execute electronic commands. A highly effective internal design with extremely short signal paths, high-quality components and solidly screwed connections ensures the proverbial high long-term stability of PRIMARE products.

  • Perfect reproduction of analogue and digital music
  • Integrated DAC
  • Reference-level sound quality
  • Outstanding build quality
  • Upgradeable with Prisma module I25

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    in-akustik GmbH & Co. KG
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    Tel.: +49 7634 5610 0