Phonosophie flush-mounted wall socket outlet
The contacts of the Phonosophie flush-mounted wall socket are coated with a special silver alloy to reduce contact resistance to a minimum.
Features of the Phonosophie wall socket
By using the silver contact technique to reduce the contact resistance at the point from which the entire downstream system is supplied, there is a massively noticeable improvement in the sound image. Especially in the bass and lower mid-range, power, dynamics and audibility increase, higher pitches benefit from more space and air.
Tip for HiFi system tuning
Proceed according to the following criteria when planning and setting up your system: The absolute first priority is a reasonable power supply. Your system depends on good power quality. In second place is the mechanically correct installation of the units. In third place is the high-quality wiring of the units to each other. Erst wenn diese Bereiche Ihrer Anlage ausreichend versorgt sind, lohnt es sich, über die Anschaffung anderer Komponenten nachzudenken. Diese Reihenfolge entspricht den Prioritäten und dem jeweiligen Einfluss auf die Livehaftigkeit und Lebendigkeit der wiedergegebenen Musik.
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