Phonosophy Activator Rod

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1 Stück

Größe (LxD):

80 mm x 11 mm


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1-3 days

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220,00 *

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phonosophy activator rod

Activator rod in 3 different sizes Lengths for interference suppression (reduction of energy whirls) of cables, power supply or heating system.

There are 3 activator bars (AKTSTAB). One 80mm, one 180mm and one 300mm. The rods consist of a glass rod handmade in a German glass factory. The glass rod is provided with a field (active field) in a special 336-hour production process. In a 36-hour production process, more than 20 individual structural information items are then integrated into this field (information). This creates a directed activator field which effectively reduces potential vortex-induced electrosmog and disturbances on the hearing system. These glass rods coated with a black thermoplastic can thus be attached to sources of interference. With the activator rods, an unprecedented natural holistic hearing is possible.

Attention! The marked side must point in the direction of the source of interference, as only here does the activator field emerge.

The AKTSTAB 80 or also called cable activator is 80mm long and has a diameter of 11mm.

Interference suppression: The AKTSTAB 80 is suitable for suppressing interference from all types of cables. It does not matter whether it is analog, digital, power or control cables. Even with control cables (remote link cables), there is usually an intensive potential equalization between the individual hi-fi components, which leads to a considerable sound gain when using the cable activator (AKTSTAB). Our measurements and listening tests have shown that the ground connection and the associated potential equalization is a major disturbance of the sound.

For interference suppression of the cables, the rod is attached to the cable in the middle of the cable with the marked side pointing to the cable.

STAB 180:
The AKTSTAB 180 is 180mm long and has a diameter of 20mm. Its high glass thickness makes it an extremely strong interference suppressor and thus ideal for major problems such as socket strips, fuse boxes and heaters.

interference suppression:
  • Interference suppression for halogen systems: To suppress interference from a halogen cable system, place AKTSTAB 180 over the two current-carrying cables/ropes (see test).

    TAB 300:
    The AKTSTAB 300 is 300mm long and has a diameter of 20mm. Due to its high glass thickness and its length, this is the strongest suppressor for major problems such as socket strips, fuse boxes and heaters.

    interference suppression:
  • Interference suppression Fuse box: To suppress interference from the fuses in the listening room, attach the AKTSTAB 300 above or below the fuses with the supplied brackets and allow the side marked with the dot to point to the fuses (see test).
  • radiator interference suppression: To suppress interference from the radiators, attach AKTSTAB 300 to the radiator using the brackets supplied and keep the side marked with the dot pointing towards the radiator. Ideally this should be done from above (see test).
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      PHONOSOPHIE / I. Hansen Vertriebs GmbH
      Luruper Hauptstrasse 204
      22547 Hamburg
      Tel.: +49 (0)40 / 83 70 77