Phonosophie Aktivator Power Filter 2

Item Number:



1 Stück





Delivery Time:

1-3 days


1.150,00 *

(Price quotation / Stück)

Phonosophy Activator Line filter 2 against high-frequency disturbances in the power system

Phonosophie Activator Current Filter 2 effectively reduces high-frequency interference on the mains supply at home, in the office or in a hotel room.

In order to find the optimal location for the Phonosophie Activator Power Filter 2, it is absolutely necessary to check all sockets in the listening room as well as the rest of the home for their interference with the Stetzerizer measuring device .

The mains filter is then placed in the socket which has the highest exposure (the highest DC value) in your first series of measurements. If the interference load does not yet fall below the value of 50 GS units after inserting the first Phonosophie Aktivator mains filter in the sockets of the room, the use of further Phonosophie Aktivator mains filters in the respective room is necessary. To do this, leave the mains filter in the socket and start measuring the sockets again to find the socket(s) with the now highest GS value and place another Phonosophie Aktivator mains filter here. Repeat this measuring process until the measured value of GS units at all sockets has fallen below 50 at least. This is the only way to achieve an optimal interference suppression of the power supply system and thus the greatest possible relief of the nervous system along with a noticeable improvement in sound.

The Phonosophie Aktivator mains filter is an important component on the way to a significant sound improvement of your HiFi system.
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