Phonosophie Aktivator i10 2D Chip

Item Number:



10 Stück


ø 6 mm




LP, CD, DVD, Blu-ray, Stecker, Displays, Kabel u.v.m.



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30,00 *

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Phonosophy activator 2D chip with i10 information

They're finally here! The 2nd generation of phonosophy 2D chips with the latest i10 information.

This versatile all-purpose weapon against the unpopular whirls of potential is the basis for a live and spatially homogeneous reproduction of music.
The Aktivator 2D chips are ideal for use on plugs, sockets, circuit boards and their components, displays but also on LP, CD, DVD and many more.

The i10 Phonosophie 2D chips consist of a plastic carrier and multilayer information and require a total processing time of over 2,400 hours for activation and information. For quality reasons, the individual informed layers are applied in a printing machine that is suppressed by phonosophy.

The new Phonosophie Aktivator 2D chip with i10 information now has the same information as all other Phonosophie products of the current generation (recognizable by the grey dot).

The first generation of 2D chips worked wonderfully, but was manufactured using the i8 process at the time.

The new i10 2D chips from Phonosophie are generally only offered in the Klar version. You don't have to worry about that, because the transparent chips simply take on the color of the background. Thus they are particularly inconspicuous.

The 2nd generation also benefits from a new adhesive that promises even better grip.

All known sizes - 6mm / 20mm / 40mm - are available.

The PHONOSOPHIE activator i10 2D chip has the following advantages over other measures to reduce electrosmog:
  • Extremely lightweight, so that they can also be stuck on a CD to optimize it permanently
  • Simple mounting on plugs, sockets and switches
  • The mechanism of action always works, while shielding through turbulence can also deteriorate the sound.
  • The PHONOSOPHIE 2D activator chips do not require a metal layer and can also be applied to heat-sensitive components without disturbing heat reflection.
  • The PHONOSOPHIE 2D activator chips do not reflect EM emissions back into the components.
  • The PHONOSOPHY 2D activator chips do not shield. They can therefore also be applied directly to antennas, i.e. directly to the source of interference.
  • All PHONOSOPHY 2D chips are available in black as well as clear foil, so that inconspicuous application is possible.
  • The activator 2D chip is available in 3 different diameters: 6 mm / 20 mm / 40 mm (only clear)

With the i10 2D activator chips, even the smallest displays and power plugs as well as window panes with several square meters can be effectively suppressed.

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    PHONOSOPHIE / I. Hansen Vertriebs GmbH
    Luruper Hauptstrasse 204
    22547 Hamburg
    Tel.: +49 (0)40 / 83 70 77