Folienspulen Kupfer
Mundorf Kupferfolienspulen

Mundorf copper foil coils made of oxygen-free copper (OFC copper) are now manufactured at Mundorf in its own production facilities.
Oxygen-free copper is characterised by its special purity and the structure of the crystal lattice.
In addition to the excellent tonal properties of this noble material, the electrical advantages of the design are added: Since winding is wound on winding (not layer by layer as with conventional coils), this design is much closer to the physically ideal coil. This is expressed, for example, in the quality of the coil, which remains constant up to over 100 kiloherz. In addition, the undesirable capacitive component of these coils is particularly low, so that even very high frequencies are effectively blocked. The large surface of the foil improves the conductivity of these coils for alternating current. (Skin effect)
Not to be neglected is the mechanical stability of this design. Due to the large contact surface between the individual windings and the viscoplastic insulation made of polypropylene foil, vibrations of the individual windings are eliminated very effectively. In the buzzer, these properties lead to a significant increase in dynamics, detail and spatiality.
A test report in the "[outgoingLink_7] [LinkEnde]" also proves this very clearly. The CFC coils are available with four different cross-sections from AWG 10 to 16 (this corresponds to round wires of 1.25 to 2.6 mm diameter).