Hochlastwiderstand R5, 5 W

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0,77 *

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High load cement resistance R5 / 5W

High load resistors with a load capacity of 5 Watt

High load resistors are used in crossovers for level adjustment of individual loudspeakers and in oscillating circuits or equalizer networks. Basically they convert unwanted or excess electrical energy into heat. An important parameter is therefore the load capacity, indicated in watts.

In addition to the power handling capacity, the residual inductance is also important in the high frequency range. The simple cement resistors consist of an insulating body in which a wire coil is embedded. For very high frequencies this winding behaves like a coil and blocks it. For this reason, we recommend to use our metal oxide resistors in the high frequency range, as there is no winding here. Instead, a conductive metal oxide layer is applied to a carrier body. This design is practically induction-free.
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