isoFORMS unit base Saucer

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4 Stück



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€ 189,00*

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isoFORMS unit base Saucer

The FGM material technology from isoFORMS in the form of the unit base Saucer offers you the opportunity to get to know the advantages of your system down to the last musical detail.

The Saucer is based on the principle of FGMs - Functionally Graded Materials.

FGM describes a functional material whose special properties allow it to be used wherever material resonances, microphonic or interfering vibrations restrict the precise operation of active components.

Functional materials are materials that are used due to their special properties and often represent the heart of a component when in use.

FGMs are typically used in electrical engineering, optics, medical technology and sensor technology.

The FGMs designed for audio technology are largely responsible for the faithful reproduction of the information stored in a record groove along the entire audio chain.

Speed, dynamics, fine detail, musicality and impact increase significantly with the targeted use of FGMs.

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    TAD-Audiovertrieb GmbH
    Hallwanger Str. 14
    83209 Prien am Chiemsee
    Tel.: +49 (0) 9941 9084210