IsoAcoustics OREA Isolators

Item Number:





40 (D) x 27 mm (H)

max. Tragfähigkeit:

1,8 kg/Stück



Delivery Time:

3-5 days


55,00 *

(Price quotation / Stück)

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IsoAcoustics OREA Isolators for hi-fi devices

IsoAcoustics OREA series eliminates harmful vibrations and provides greater sound clarity and focus. The OREAs are ideal for electronic components such as amplifiers, D/A converters, CD players, speakers and turntables. Made from stainless steel, these decouplers have a low profile design to minimise any height increase.

Each OREA model is designed for a specific weight. They each have a coloured ring on the bottom decoupler indicating the model and weight capacity. The OREA series is packaged individually to allow greater flexibility in determining the number of units to be used. We recommend a minimum of 3 units under each audio component depending on weight.

Greater sound clarity
The upper part of the OREAs is designed to provide a suction cup-like effect and adhere to the underside of the audio component, while the lower part is non-slip on the standing surface. All energy is managed in the core of the OREAs, which are tuned to operate in specific weight ranges. This results in greater clarity and a more open soundstage, providing an authentic, three-dimensional sound.

Works with or without original appliance feet
The existing feet of an audio component adapt well to the upper OREA decoupler. Alternatively, you can achieve even better performance by either removing the feet completely or placing the OREAs next to the existing feet so that they are connected directly to the component's housing.

Weight capacity
The OREAs are designed so that several can be used to support the weight of the audio component or speaker. The total weight capacity is calculated as follows:

max. Total weight capacity = [upper weight limit per decoupler] x [quantity of decouplers]
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    Sieveking Sound GmbH & Co KG
    Plantage 20
    28215 Bremen
    Tel.: +49 (0)421-68 48 93-0


    IsoAcoustics Inc.
    480 11th St SE
    39 Main street North, Unit 5
    Markham, ON, Kanada L3P 1X3
    Tel.: +1 905-294-4672