Horn Audiophiles The Analyst
2 x 1,00 m
Highflex OFC "The Analyst"
Horn Audiophiles
7-14 days
€ 54,00 *
(Price quotation / Set)
Horn Audiophile Highflex OFC "The Analyst"
standard length: 1m
The product series - Highflex OFC Audio Interconnect * by Horn Audiophiles - is the ideal entry into the quality cable segment for the analog fan.
Also with the signal cable "The Analyst" you don't have to make any compromises in sound quality in the Hifi area.
The composition of the materials as well as the symmetrical cable construction made of two H1-PE insulated inner conductors with 102 x 0.05 mm H-OFC copper litz each lead to an extensive range of brilliance with finely defined trebles.
When selecting the optimized RCA fittings, great importance was attached to a high copper mass fraction in order to keep susceptibility and permeability low. Gold-plated contacts prevent corrosion, capacitance and contact resistance and ensure long-lasting and optimum signal transmission.
Of course, hand-soldered connections to the cable are also made with 10% fine silver solder.
The excellent product quality is guaranteed by hand manufacturing and selection.
Delivery is in blister packaging with graphic front and operating instructions.
Standard configuration: 1.00 m Stereo / Part No. 11309
Special lengths: 1.50 m / 2.00 m
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