HIFIMAN ARYA Organic open magnetostatic headphone

Item Number:





8 Hz bis 65 kHz


16 Ohm


94 dB bei 1 mW


ca. 440 g (ohne Kabel)



Delivery Time:

3-5 days


€ 1.069,00*

Price with pre-payment:


(Price quotation / Stück)

Arya Organic is the HIFIMAN successor to the highly rated Arya Stealth

This model already combined the sound quality of an HE1000 with more warmth and better wearing comfort. The Arya Organic uses the ‘stealth magnets’ of the HE1000V2 and takes its sound into a new price class.

HIFIMAN relies on the established stable yet lightweight headband construction. The black design is combined with earcup shells made of real wood veneer and the familiar ‘window shade’ covers. The HE1000V2's stealth magnets are optimised in shape to ensure an unimpeded flow of sound waves. The driver diaphragm with a material thickness in the nanometre range is so thin that it is easy to see through despite the protective fleece on both sides. In fact, it is thinner than a human hair and can therefore be moved quickly in the driver's permanent magnetic field.

The headband of the Arya Organic is made of a comfortable synthetic leather. The ear pads are ergonomically shaped. They consist of a combination of perforated artificial leather on the inside and a polyethylene fleece on the cheek. The padding offers excellent wearing comfort, is easy to clean and can be easily replaced if necessary.

The Arya Organic produces an extremely large and rich sound. Its sonority in the sound image is a key feature. Smaller HIFIMAN models are perceived as more restrained. The bass is powerful but not overpowering, vocals are wonderfully present and the treble range is minimally silky and not crystalline, as with many other manufacturers. It is simply a pleasure to enjoy music with this skilful tuning: You can listen to whole albums again and not just individual tracks.

The supplied cable is encased in a fabric tube and is 1.5 metres long. If that's not enough, you can order a cable of any length and with the required connections from Cardas Audio, for example.

The Arya Organic also likes powerful headphone amplifiers with more than 1 watt output power into the 16 ohm impedance. The break-in time, during which the drivers become free-playing and clearly gain airiness, is around 150 hours. Of course, you can still have fun beforehand, because there is a lot to discover right from the start.

So it's not just your ears that will turn heads.

Technical data HiFiMAN ARYA Organic:
- Open headphone design
- Magnetostatic driver
- Impedance: 16 Ohm
- Efficiency: 94 dB
- Frequency range: 8 Hz - 65 kHz
- Weight: 440 g (without cable)

Scope of delivery
Headphone cable:
- 1.5m oxygen-free copper in fabric tube; 6.35 mm jack -> 2x 3.5 mm stereo jack

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    28215 Bremen
    Tel.: +49 (0)421-68 48 93-0
    E-Mail: kontakt@sieveking-sound.de