HiFi-Tuning US-Supreme 3 Diamant Fuse (6.3x32 mm)

Item Number:



250 mA


flink (F)


Kappen Silber/Gold (99%Silber + 1% Gold)


HiFi-Tuning Berlin

Delivery Time:

14-21 Days

Free shipping for DE


€ 180,00*

Price with pre-payment:


(Price quotation / Stück)

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HiFi-Tuning Supreme 3 audio fuse / 6.3x32 mm

This unique fuse with diamond tipping is always a custom-made product for the customer and is specially manufactured by HiFi-Tuning for you as a customer after receipt of the order and is additionally equipped with a 1.3 mm diamond, which is inserted in the ceramic body.

Handmade in Germany! This excellent microfuse for hi-fi equipment gives you the opportunity to fully exploit the potential of your components. As I have found out myself in countless listening tests together with customers, the sound image is clearly gaining structure, fine-tuning and resolution. A running direction does not have the safety device by default, but it is worthwhile to find the "correct" direction by comparing the sound.

Test result of hifi-zubehoer. info:
This fuse is the best!!! Test it and you will experience your music anew.
Test chain: Naim HDX HDX hard disk player, rest of Mini-DAC+, Adam Audio Column MKIII active

  • 99% silver + 1% gold (caps + fusible conductor!)
  • Soldered with Mundorf Supreme Solder (gold/silver)
  • Black ceramic body with gold overprint
  • Cryogenic Treated
  • 1/4 inch x 1 1/4 inch (American style)
  • RoHS-compliant

Important note from the manufacturer HiFi-Tuning Berlin:
Never use a normal multimeter to measure fuses, as there is a danger of destruction due to increased measuring current!# I''m so happy #
(Example One 250 mA. Fuse must not receive more than 25 mA measuring current, we measure with approx. 10 mA!
A corresponding precision measuring device costs several thousand euros!

Important note on audiophile fuses:
In rare cases, it can occur in audiophile microfuses, especially when used in devices (e. g. amplifiers) with high inrush currents (Naim, Accuphase) that the fuse already activates and burns out during its first use.


Audiophile fuses (regardless of the manufacturer) have a very low tolerance up to their response (burning through) to protect your device. The manufacturer Padis has proven in tests that original standard device fuses can have a tolerance of up to 100% compared to the ampere value indicated on the fuse.

Therefore, talk to the manufacturer or distributor of your device before replacing fuses and ask for the recommended fuse values!

All HIFi-Tuning fuses are 100% tested and fully functional. The customer shall replace the security at his own risk. Complaints are excluded.
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