HiFi-Tuning Fuse holder 32A without fuse

Item Number:


beiliegende Sicherung:



Sicherungshalter für Verteilerkasten


HiFi-Tuning Berlin

Delivery Time:

14-21 Days


30,00 *

(Price quotation / Stück)

HiFi-Tuning Fuse holder up to 32 A without fuse

The fuse holder (up to 32 A) is the ideal HiFi upgrade for your fuse box. The HiFi-Tuning fuse holder replaces the usual automatic circuit breaker on the top hat rail.
An audiophile tuning product from the high-end HiFi noble forge HiFi-Tuning Berlin.

This sound module is the ideal replacement for the conventional and sound-damaging automatic circuit breakers in your home fuse box. The HiFi-Tuning fuse holder is a must for everyone who wants to improve the power supply to his stereo system. This is the only way to guarantee the best possible power supply to the connected HiFi equipment.

The installation of the HiFi-Tuning fuse holder must be carried out by an electrician!

B = 17,5 mm
H = 83 mm

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