GeerFab Audio - D.BOB

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GeerFab Audio

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€ 1.200,00*

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GeerFab Audio - D.BOB | Übergabe von DSD-Daten an externen DAC

Behind the GeerFab Audio brand is the American Eric Geer, who has been working for the pro audio division of the NAMM organisation for many years. With the D.BOB, he has developed the solution to a more than 20-year-old problem in the hi-fi world. The small device can pass on the DSD data of an SACD to an external DAC - with intact encryption and completely legally. The same also works with Blu-ray audio data with 24 bit/192 kHz resolution, for example, and with Blu-ray films.

With the D.BOB, music and film lovers are no longer dependent on the sound capabilities of a surround receiver or the built-in D/A converter in their player. Instead, it can now be connected to high-quality external D/A converters. In order for this to work technically, the following scheme is followed:

A Blu-Ray player with HDMI output (from version 1.4), which can play SACDs, is connected to the D.BOB using an HDMI cable. The player's menu should be set to output RAW/bitstream data in stereo format. If the picture is also to be transmitted to a television at the same time, the D.BOB has an additional HDMI output for this purpose.

From the D.BOB, an optical or, even better, a shielded 75-ohm digital cable is used to connect to a modern D/A converter that supports the DOP (DSD over PCM) standard. This is the case with most converters that can process DSD via USB. There is a regularly updated list of compatible models here.

The converter locks onto the DSD64 signal (SACD) or 24/192 PCM signal (Blu-ray audio) if it is ensured that the D.BOB is switched on first and then the player. From this moment on, the player is used purely as a disc drive. In terms of sound, a completely different level can be achieved than before. The DHCP copy protection remains intact. It is not possible to start a digital recording at the digital output of the D.BOB.

The D.BOB has a power consumption of < 1 watt and can remain permanently connected to the mains. It does not get warm during operation and has non-slip feet that support its full metal housing.

For optimum sound results, use a high-quality HDMI and digital cable. Optionally, you can upgrade the power cable of the D.BOB or use an external 12 volt power supply with a stabilised power supply unit . Overview of external power supply units

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