Finite Elemente CERAPUC
CERAPUC ensures defined contact through direct coupling. The extremely fast resonance is dissipated via an ultra-hard ball made of high-tech ceramic. Precision-manufactured stainless steel takes over the precisely determined damping component. The clear advantage: no resonance congestion, no over-damping, no loss of conduction. The clear result: more detail, more spaciousness, more dynamics - more music.
- for use under devices, loudspeakers, racks
Material: Stainless steel, precision machined and hand polished - High Tech Ceramic Ball made in USA
Use height: 18 mm (variant A + B) or 35 mm (variant C + D)
Function: Screw-on, height adjustable
Diameter: 35 mm (upper part), 55 mm (lower part)
Capacity: 300 kg (set of 4), 225 kg (set of 3)
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