Finite Elemente CERABASE slimline

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4 Stück


edelstahl, handpoliert


finite elemente

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560,00 *

(Price quotation / Set)

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Finite Elemente CERABASE slimeline

The low overall height makes the CERABASE slimline the ideal replacement for the original device feet with optimum resonance discharge and simultaneous upgrading of the device design. The CERABASE slimline is designed as a base or replacement for the original device feet.

  • significant improvement in dynamics, spatial imaging and fine detail
  • screw-on, not height-adjustable
  • Stainless steel, precision machined and hand polished
  • 3 high-tech ceramic beads made in U.S.A.
  • available as set of 4, set of 3 or single piece

The CERABASE slimline provides defined contact to the floor space through direct coupling. The extremely fast and defined resonance dissipation takes place via ultra-hard balls made of high-tech ceramic. Precision-manufactured stainless steel takes over the precisely determined damping component. The clear advantage: no resonance congestion, no over-damping, no loss of conduction.

better stability - better sound
CERABASE offers the optimum balance between damping and discharge. The clear advantage: more detail, more spaciousness, more dynamics - more music.

The new reference in sound tuning
CERABASE slimline is the new definition of good sound - whether under small loudspeakers or hi-fi devices. Wherever unwanted resonances limit musicality, CERABASE ensures better sound.

Technical data:
  • Material: stainless steel, precision machined and hand polished
  • Useful height: 20 mm
  • Diameter: 46 mm
  • Load capacity: 300 kg (set of 4)

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  • Kontakt für Auskünfte zur Produktsicherheit

    Finite Elemente GmbH
    Am Heimekesberg 11
    33106 Paderborn
    Tel.: +49 (0) 52 54 - 64 55 7