Excalibur Red - MC High-Output cartridge

Item Number:



MC System (Moving-Coil)


5,2 g


TAD Audiovertrieb GmbH

Delivery Time:

3-5 days

Free shipping for DE


€ 699,00*

Price with pre-payment:


(Price quotation / Stück)

Excalibur Red - MC HIGH Output Tonabnehmer

High Output MC with natural diamond.

Scanner: natural diamond with Shibata needle cut.

The high output voltage allows direct connection to a moving magnet (MM) input.

Technical data of the Excalibur Red - MC HIGH Output cartridge:
  • Frequency response: 15~35,000 Hz
  • Output voltage: 2 mV / 1 kHz
  • Output balance: < 1.5 dB / 1 kHz
  • Channel separation: 28 dB / 1 kHz
  • Recommended tracking force: 1.8 - 2 g
  • Impedance: 130 Ohm / 1 kHz
  • Needle compliance: Medium 10x10 - 6 cm/dyne
  • Load impedance: 47 kOhm
  • Sensing needle: Diamond Shibata
  • Needle carrier material: Aluminium
  • Weight: 5,2 g

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