Efrem Kurtz & Philharmonia Orchestra: Tchaikovsky - The Nutcracker

Item Number:



Efrem Kurtz & Philharmonia Orchestra


Tchaikovsky: The Nutcracker




Hi-Q Records




XRCD24 / Stereo AAD


Sieveking Sound

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38,00 *

(Price quotation / Stück)

Efrem Kurtz & Philharmonia Orchestra: Tchaikovsky – The Nutcracker

Efrem Kurtz, born in Saint Petersburg, studied with Alexander Glazunov and Nikolai Tcherepnin and was a pupil of Arthur Nikisch. He mastered a wide repertoire of symphonic and opera works ranging from Copland to Barber, Walton, Hindemith, Stravinsky, Shostakovich and Khachaturian. However, he made a name for himself with his interpretations of Russian music.

In the 1950s, his works belonged to every record collection. During this decade, the Philharmonia Orchestra has produced several Tchaikovsky recordings for the EMI, which now appear as Hi-Q-XRCD. This recording of the Nutcracker Suite was recorded in March 1958 at London's Kingsway Hall by producer Peter Andry and sound engineer Neville Boyling.

Titles on the XRCD24: Efrem Kurtz & Philharmonia Orchestra: Tchaikovsky - The Nutcracker
(Tchaikovsky: Casse-noisette, Op. 71)
1. Ouverture
2. No. 2: Marche
No. 3: petit Galop des enfants et entrée des parents
No. 8: Scène
No. 9: Valse des flocons de neige
3. No. 12: Divertissement
a) Le chocolat
b) Le café
4. No. 12: Divertissement
c) Le thé
d) Trépak
e) Danse des mirlitons
5. No. 13: Valse de fleurs
6. No. 14: a) Pas de deux (La fée Dragée avec le prince Orgeat)
7. No. 14: b) Pour le danseur
c) Pour la danseuse
d) Coda
No. 15: Valse finale
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