Creaktiv Systems Disc Control plus

Item Number:

crea-87 125


CD, Blue-Ray, DVD, Gehäuse


Audio Selection creaktiv GmbH

Delivery Time:

29-49 days


69,00 *

(Base Price: € 55.20 / 100 ml)

Creactive Systems Disc Control plus CD spray

The CD Spray optimizes the CD surface and, with its special composition, prevents potential vortexes that could damage the sound and, at the same time, reduces electromagnetic interference fields that arise when the CD is scanned. This makes Creaktiv Systems Disc Control plus CD Spray the perfect CD cleaning spray with "built-in" sound optimization for CD, DVD, Blue-Ray.

The basis for the clearly audible sound improvements that can be achieved with this CD spray is creaktiv's ci2p technology, which was developed in cooperation with Gabriel-Tech.

The CD spray contributes to a better readability of all discs, which also improves sound and picture quality. This is reflected in audibly more details, higher resolution and dynamics, a significant improvement in depth staggering, location and clarity.

Application of the Creaktiv System Disc Control plus CD Spray
Spray both sides of the CD with one spray and spread the liquid, preferably with your bare finger on the surface and edges. Then wipe the surfaces with a lint-free cloth (microfibre). The treatment of the CD should be repeated monthly to refresh the sound enhancing effect.

Mr. Selker from Creaktiv also recommends treating CD trays, device surfaces, glass bottoms of racks or the metallic surround of tweeters with the spray.

If you would like to learn more about the physical basics of ci2p technology, I recommend the brochure "ci²p - Theoretical Basics" by creaktiv Systems: Download

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  • Kontakt für Auskünfte zur Produktsicherheit

    Audio Selection creaktiv GmbH
    Drieschweg 9
    53604 Bad Honnef
    Tel.: +49 (0) 2224 949930