creaktiv Systems ci2p Optimizer connector strip 6-way

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Audio Selection creaktiv GmbH

Delivery Time:

29-49 days

Free shipping for DE


€ 699,00*

Price with pre-payment:


(Price quotation / Stück)

creaktiv Systems ci2p Optimizer connector strip Supra 6-fold

Creaktiv uses a model from the manufacturer Supra Cables as a solid base for its 6-way mesh strip tuned with the creaktiv Systems ci2p technology. Due to the direct metal contact, the sound enhancing ci2p technology acts on the entire power line. This leads to a significantly improved HF behaviour of the entire power line connected to it.

The information of the power line massively reduces the formation of potential vortices and interference in the HiFi system. The resulting gain in spatial representation and precision in the sound image will inspire you.
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  • Kontakt für Auskünfte zur Produktsicherheit

    Audio Selection creaktiv GmbH
    Drieschweg 9
    53604 Bad Honnef
    Tel.: +49 (0) 2224 949930