Clearaudio Performance Plattengewicht

Item Number:



332 g





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7-14 days

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€ 250,00*

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Clearaudio Performance Turntable weight

The high-quality Clearaudio Performance Turntable weight, available in silver or black anodised aluminium, was specially developed for the Performance series and impresses with its stylish design and outstanding functionality. Of course, this weight can also be used with other Clearaudio models and other brands.

The Performance Turntable weight is characterised by an integrated Teflon bush on the underside, which guarantees smooth placement and makes handling much easier. At the same time, the weight is softly decoupled from the centre mandrel. With a precisely matched weight (332 g), which is tailored to turntables with CMB bearings and clearaudio DC motors, it is the perfect complement for these systems.

In addition, the disc weight is compatible with all radial tonearms and the TT5 tonearm, making it a versatile accessory for audiophiles and professional users.

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