Cardas tonearm cable Clear HSL 34x4 24“ ER

Item Number:





24" Tonarmkabel (34 AWG x 4 Clips, 60 cm lang, verzinnt)


Cardas Audio

Delivery Time:

3-5 days

Free shipping for DE


€ 368,00*

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(Price quotation / Stück)

tonearm cable Cardas Clear HSL 34x4 24

Complete Cardas tonearm cable for rewiring an entire tonearm. The tonearm cable uses the direct gold-plated Cardas cartridge clips and is colour-coded. The end is lacquered and tinned. Can be combined well with the do-it-yourself phonobox CPIB.

60 cm long tonearm internal wiring with already soldered pick-up pins, which are first silver-plated and then rhodium-plated. The basis of this special cable is the CLEAR AWG 34 cable with an individual diameter of 0.16 mm, which is based on CLEAR technology and is constructed of several layers of lacquered individual strands. The individual cable is protected in a colour-coded fabric sleeve and four of these cables in the colours red, white, blue and green are twisted together. To make processing as easy as possible, the cable ends are already tinned with Cardas solder.

Technical data
- 4 single strands of copper, silver-plated, then rhodium-plated, braided one pick-up clip per strand
- 34 AWG, corresponds to Ø cable 0.16 mm
- 60 cm long
- Capacity 18 µF

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