Cardas Parsec Headphone - Headphone cable

Item Number:



1,5 m


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Cardas Audio

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3-5 days

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€ 250,00*

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Cardas Parsec Headphone - Headphone cable

In 2019, the Parsec Headphone succeeds the Cardas Cross Headphone, which was arguably the most successful upgrade cable on the world market for 16 years. The new Parsec relies on even finer individually lacquered strands with slightly thicker insulation between the four cable bundles, all arranged in a golden section. The four cable bundles are spiral-wound inside the cable and are now shielded from a combination of cores and semi-conductive tapes.

In direct sonic comparison with the successful predecessor model, the result is an expanded spatial representation and even finer articulation of details. The Parsec remains true to the sound pattern of the entire Parsec cable line of the house and plays overall rather warm and rich and offers a velvety high frequency range.

Unchanged is the very low microphonics sensitivity and good durability of the cable, which is now supplied in a dark green and thus appears more discreet than the previous model. As with all other Cardas headphone cables, manufacturing is done to customer specifications. The input and output configuration are thus freely selectable.

The following schedules for the source are feasible:
1. 1/4 Zoll Stereo
2. 1/8 Zoll Stereo
3. Dual 3-Pin XLR
4. Singel 4-Pin XLR
5. 90 Grad 1/8 Zoll Stereo
6. Balanced Dual 1/8 Zoll Stereo

Among others, the following headphone connections are available:
1. HD800
2. Audize
3. HiFi Man
4. HD700
5. Balanced 2,5mm Klinke
6. Alpha Dog
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520.00 €*
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Cardas Clear Reflection Headphone - Kopfhörerkabel
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1,069.00 €*
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    Sieveking Sound GmbH & Co KG
    Plantage 20
    28215 Bremen
    Tel.: +49 (0)421-68 48 93-0


    Cardas Audio
    480 11th St SE
    Bandon, Oregon 97411
    Tel.: +1 (541) 347-2484