Cardas Clear Jumper

Item Number:



Stereo-Set für Bi-Wiring Terminals




Cardas Audio

Delivery Time:

3-5 days

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€ 400,00*

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(Price quotation / Stereo-Set)

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Cardas Clear Jumper Cables for loudspeaker

The top model of Cardas cable bridges for bi-wire speaker cable connection terminals on your HiFi speakers. They serve as a replacement for the sound-damaging metal bridges, as you can often find on loudspeakers. The Cardas Jumpers are equipped with cold-welded, rhodium-plated bananas or cable lugs and are made of high-quality Cardas CLEAR loudspeaker cables.

Cardas recommends the Clear Jumper cable bridges in combination with the speaker cables CLEAR, CLEAR Light and CLEAR Sky.
Furutech Jumperflux
505.00 €*
505.00 € / 1 Stereo-Set
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141.55 €*
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Aktion: -5,00 %
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14.99 €*
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inakustik Referenz Banana BFA-103
Furutech Doppel-Wandsteckdose
168.00 €*
168.00 € / 1 Stück
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