audioquest Fog Lifters

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€ 159,00*

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audioquest cable spacer for isolation of HF noise

For forty years, AudioQuest has been insisting that pretty much every improvement in audio is based on reducing "damage" - either by preserving the original information or by not adding misinformation.

What makes the new AudioQuest FogLifter so effective is the fact that it effectively combats a significant source of misinformation - high frequency noise introduced into audio and power cables from the floor. Carpet or wooden floor - not to mention concrete floor - at first glance does not appear to be a source of RF noise; however, RF energy is present everywhere and always seeks to go where the energy level is lower.

Think of lightning or - especially in winter - static electricity. You may not see yourself as an energy source, but dry heating air can make it painfully clear that there is an energy difference between you and the objects you touch. This analogy is not exactly accurate, but it comes very close.

FogLifter significantly reduce RF coupling, whether it comes from the floor or results from efforts to insulate cables with stands or clamps that are themselves too heavy and cause RF interference.

Now you might think that a few inches or centimetres do not do much, but like the light of a bulb, energy decreases exponentially with increasing distance. A few inches or centimetres therefore make a big difference - which is reflected in lower background noise and less interference and distortion in the active circuits connected to it.

You may be right in saying that "my cables are shielded, so there is no problem with noise"; however, at the high frequencies that surround us everywhere thanks to mobile telephony, Wi-Fi, etc., conventional shielding cannot prevent capacitive coupling of RF noise into signal-carrying conductors - not to mention that the shielding itself is derived to a ground plane that is in some sense as sensitive as the signal, since "signal" is the difference between signal and ground. Translated with (free version)
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