audioplan PowerPlant 100 S4

Item Number:


Länge Anschlußkabel:

0,85 m



Abmessungen (BxHxL):

12 x 8,5 x 22 cm



Delivery Time:

5-7 days


€ 1.000,00*

Price with pre-payment:


(Price quotation / Stück)

audioplan PowerPlant 100 S4

The audioplan PowerPlant 100 S4 is used for the mains-side decoupling of individual devices which themselves emit high-frequency interference into the mains or have a particular sensitivity to mains interference.

The unique design of the PowerPlant with multiple nested windings, many shields and specially manufactured and tuned filter modules results in a high, so-called reverse attenuation. This means that not only mains interference coming from the mains is filtered out, but also interference running from the filtered device towards the mains. This predestines the PowerPlant for use with digital equipment. But also phono stages and analog drives profit extraordinarily from a separate filtering by means of PowerPlant - especially also in connection with the FineFilter as an overall filter.

This predestines the PowerPlant for use with digital devices. This is because digital equipment itself emits high-frequency interference into the mains, which in turn has a negative effect on the sound of other equipment in the system. But also phono stages and analog drives benefit extraordinarily from a separate filtering by means of PowerPlant. In addition, the PowerPlant filters all DC components from the mains current, completely automatically and without additional electronics that affect the sound.
A new feature of the PowerPlant 100S 4, in addition to the use of Ampère S, is a grounded output.

In our experience, practically all newer devices built after about 2000 benefit from a ground connection, provided that this is also provided on the device side. In order to prevent interference from entering via the ground wire, while still providing a discharge away from the device, the ground connection in the PowerPlant is gently filtered. In addition, we have completely redesigned the entire construction, consisting of filter isolating transformer, additional filter modules and internal grounding system.

Sonically, we achieve an even cleaner, more agile reproduction. Tone colors of voices and instruments are reproduced much more naturally, sound sources appear more clearly positioned in the room. Unlike many other concepts, our filters do not reduce dynamics. On the contrary, coarse and fine dynamic gradations are reproduced more naturally and differentiated, the dynamic range becomes larger instead of smaller.

Technically, we achieve this by generously overdimensioning all parts and avoiding interactions between high-frequency interference components and the filter. In our experience, the last point in particular is especially important and can only be mastered by filter modules designed for this purpose. Only in this way can the theoretically obvious increase in dynamics through filtering also be achieved in practice.

  • Technical data for the PowerPlant S4:
  • Mains voltage: 230 V ~
  • Load capacity: 100 VA Dauer
  • Overvoltage protection: ja, thermisch
  • Filter: 6-fach Schachtelung
  • Output: erdfrei, gleichspannungsfrei
  • Structure: frei verdrahtet, vergossen gegen Microphonie, 5 mm Alu-Gussgehäuse
  • Supply line: Ampere S
  • Length: 0,9 m, andere Längen auf Bestellung
  • Dimensions (BxHxT): 12 x 8,5 x 22 cm
  • Weight: 2,4 kg

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