audioplan Gerätefüße
audioplan Gerätefüße (Pucks, Spikes, Absorber)

audioplan obtains from Sicomin dampers made of carbon fiber composite material. This allows you to place devices and individual components in a vibration-free manner.
SICOMIN and the secret of vibration energy
The realization that the placement and mechanical coupling of hi-fi components influences the sound quality is well known today. This was not always the case: in the mid-1980s, we received an offer for a base of equipment that would dramatically improve the sound of electronic components. On the one hand we were sceptical, on the other hand we were curious and so we let the developer, Mr. Mezadourian, show us the platform.
The platform made of a carbon-fibre-aramid composite surprised and convinced us right away, even though we didn't have a technical explanation for the sound effect.
The outstanding results at that time showed us immediately the importance of installing components for the sound quality of the system. These convinced not only Uwe Kirbach, who paid tribute to the Sicomin record in the legendary HIFI exclusive, but also many music enthusiasts, who made the platform a great sales success.
Subsequently, we carried out our own investigations with different materials. We learned that the sound of the background material is influenced by the sound of the equipment and changes the sound characteristics of the equipment.
The technical explanation for this lies in electromagnetic coupling or induction between individual components, which are excited to oscillations with the characteristic frequencies of the substrate. The Sicomin concept, which has been further developed over the years, can be applied to various areas of a hi-fi system. Today, a large number of Sicomin products are available for a wide variety of applications in an audio or video system, which we would like to introduce here.
We found out that the sound result can be optimized by adjusting the correct ratio of damping to dissipation of vibration energy at the lowest possible energy storage. Energy storage and time-delayed energy dissipation take place mainly in large quantities, which is why we at Sicomin focus on low tare mass. As a precisely matched sandwich construction, Sicomin has a perfect ratio of mass to strength, combined with high internal damping.
The Sicomin concept, which has been further developed over the years, can be applied to various areas of a hi-fi system. Today, a large number of Sicomin products are available for a wide variety of applications in an audio or video system, which we would like to introduce here.